Health & Sport · Nutrition

Diet for atherosclerosis: 26 good foods

The health and condition of the blood vessels is vital to the proper functioning and health of the heart.
The great enemy of the health of blood vessels is atherosclerosis. How does it occur? If it is already installed, what diet can we adopt to favor stagnation of the deposition of the atheroma plate on the vessel walls?

First things first. That is, to know the definition of atherosclerosis. „In a simplistic explanation, here is what happens – atherosclerosis is the process of depositing grease on the walls of the blood vessels. This process results in so-called „atheroma” plaques. Over time, they lead to narrowing blood vessels. Blood flow is reduced through these blood vessels. This reduces the blood supply to the organ served by such a blood vessel, „explains cardiologist Oana Fronea. Following this process, the risk of myocardial infarction is increased. In the US, coronary artery disease annually kills 500,000 people.

What diet can patients have with atherosclerosis?

First of all, it has to give up any kind of cigarettes (both passive smoking and electronic cigarettes), not to consume more than 2.5 grams of salt daily, avoid animal fats, avoid processed sweets. In fact, avoid sugar in general (any extra pound is an extra effort for the heart). Alcohol, stress, missed nights are also not recommended. Fruits, fresh vegetables, lean meats, fish, olive oil, dairy are the recommendations of cardiologists generally on the diet of patients with coronary artery disease.

And yet there are some foods that help even the blood vessels?
In the Mediterranean Sea, infarctions are low. It seems the secret is the exclusive consumption of extravirgin olive oil (kept in dark glass containers and in dark places).
I have found some recommendations from a James A Duke American medical expert who even created a recipe for soup in the heart of Green Farm.

Vegetable soup for heart, recommended after a heart attack

You can combine the ingredients, the ideal is to be changed according to the season.
„Garlic, onion, ginger, pepper swallow blood and prevent the formation of clots that can trigger heart attacks. Garlic and onions help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, „writes James A. Duke in the volume.

Another heart-friendly vegetable is red. „Tomatoes contain the compound called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), it seems that it reduces blood pressure and helps strengthen the heart muscle (myocardium),” Duke said.
Rice, celery, saffron can also be added to the soup.
Other ingredients that you can add in the soup depending on the season are artichokes, barley, beans, eggplant, spinach.
Somehow, depending on the season, you eat daily soups containing the ingredients above.
„It is important to have vegetables rich in antioxidants in the diet because they prevent the formation of the plaque of the atheroma on the walls of the coronary arteries,” notes the American expert.

Healthy soups for blood vessels can also be made from asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, potatoes, fat and tomatoes.

Other foods that contain good antioxidants to keep healthy blood vessels are avocado, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, and watermelon.

Atherosclerosis diet – rosemary, peanut red pepper and black grapes

Also for heart health and the avoidance of fat deposits on battleships and rosemary.
Rosemary is rich in antioxidants and prevents the fat from rising in the flesh. Now I understand why the Italians put a generous rosemary on the pork. Not just for taste but also to alleviate the negative effects of pork on blood vessels, for example. Rosemary can be used in cooking as well as in tea.
Another surprise is peanut peanut (unhealthy) peanuts consumed as such. The American expert warns: „Do not clean the peanut red peach because it contains compounds called oligomineral procianides (OPC) that have a protective role for the heart. OPCs are antioxidants that can prevent not only myocardial infarction but also the appearance of cancer or stroke. Black shells in shell also have OPCs. ”

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